Mama presents an evening of Genesis music live in concert.

Genesis, from their early years as pioneers of the progressive rock movement in the ’70s to a stadium filling rock band in the ’80s and ’90s, amassed a legion of fans worldwide.

Mama recreate their music live in concert. Formed in 2012, this band have appeared at most of the prestigious venues up and down the UK, as well as regular appearances at tribute band festivals.

Mama playing songs from the albums Trespass to the final album to feature Phil Collins on vocals We Can’t Dance offer something for all Genesis fans whatever their musical preferences. From chart hits such as Invisible Touch, Mama, Follow You Follow Me, and Land Of Confusion to album classics such as In The Cage, Los Endos, Dodo, Firth Of Fifth and many more in a two and a half hour show.

Book tickets

Derby Hall @ The Met
£28 door / £27 advance standard / £24 advance concession (inc fees)

Advance discount available before 5pm on the day of the show. The discount is added during checkout.

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