A brilliant, bittersweet coming-of-age comedy drama about growing up in the social media age, The Shy Manifesto stars Theo Ancient, who recently appeared in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in the West End and is written by Michael Ross.

Had enough of being told to come out of your shell? Seventeen-year-old Callum is proud to be shy and he thinks you should be too, because what this noisy, crazy world really needs right now is some more self-restraint. Callum delivers his manifesto, exploring adolescence, isolation, self-loathing and sexuality, and encourages his audience of radical shy comrades to finally rise up and inherit the earth.


Dates & Times

Last session: Wed 13 Feb 2019 at 7:30 PM - This event has now passed
The Box @ The Met

Part of our Fringe Theatre ticket offer: save over £10 when booking 3 selected shows!


“...a compact and often very funny show...a bittersweet examination of growing up in the social media age”

The Stage

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