With absurd humour, endearing characters and charming puppetry, Clunk is a refreshing new comedy which follows the daily drudgery of three cohabiting young adults who are struggling to engage with a world that baffles them.
Two women and an incoherent male live together but can’t quite work out why. The radio is broken, another mysterious relative has died and there’s a parcel on the step. It’s like this every day.
Conjuring an evocative world of mutinous rag-toys, domestic wormholes and poignant forgotten dreams, Clunk is a darkly rebellious feast of unhinged humour, charming puppetry and existential angst.
Dates & Times
Last session:
Wed 14 Apr 2010 at 7:30 PM
- This event has now passed
Derby Hall @ The Met
Derby Hall @ The Met